
雜錦牛油曲奇 (盒裝) Assorted Butter Cookies (Box Set)

有四種味道: 榛子曲奇, 椰香曲奇, 莫卡曲奇, 香草曲奇
Four kinds: Hazlenit Cookies, Coconut Cookies, Mocha Cookies, Vanilla Cookies

每盒港幣 $100 (每次訂購一盒起)
HKD $100 per box (Minimum 1 box per order)


綠茶水晶芒果柚子蜂蜜慕絲蛋糕 Green Tea Mango Citron Honey Mousse Cake

用柚子蜜做的慕絲加上新鮮芒果粒, 頂層是綠茶做的啫哩
Mousse made of citron honey with fresh mango cubes, topped with jelly made of green tea

每個(一磅)港幣 $150 (每次訂購一個起)
HKD $150 each for 1 pound (Minimum 1 cake per order)


香蕉朱古力慕絲蛋糕 Banana Chocolate Mousse Cake

香滑的香蕉慕斯配以朱古力慕絲, 再在整個蛋糕表面塗滿朱古力

Smooth banana mousse and chocolate mousse covered with chocolate glazing

每個(一磅)港幣 $150 (每次訂購一個起)
HKD $150 each for 1 pound (Minimum 1 cake per order)


水晶士多啤梨乳酪慕絲蛋糕 Crystal Strawberry Yogurt Mousse Cake

Mousse made of fresh strawberry and yogurt, topped with strawberry cubes and jelly

每個(一磅)港幣 $180 (每次訂購一個起)

HKD $180 each for 1 pound (Minimum 1 cake per order)


芒果乳酪芝士凍餅 Mango Yogurt Cheesecake

餅底上是以新鮮芒果, 乳酪和忌廉芝士做的慕絲
On top of the base is mousse made of fresh mango, yogurt and cream cheese

每個(一磅)港幣 $150 ((每次訂購一個起)
HKD $150 each for 1 pound (Minimum 1 cake per order)


百利甜酒冧酒慕絲蛋糕 Bailey's and Rum Mousse Cake

朱古力蛋糕配以百利甜酒和冧酒做的慕絲, 最頂是由咖啡和 Kahlua 酒做的 jelly
Chocolate cake with mousse made of Bailey's and rum, topped with jelly made of Kahlua and coffee

每個(一磅)港幣 $150 ((每次訂購一個起)
HKD $150 each for 1 pound (Minimum 1 cake per order)


紅豆絹豆腐慕絲凍餅 Red Bean Soft Tofu Mousse Cake

Above the base is soft tofu mousse and red bean mousse

每個(一磅)港幣 $150 ((每次訂購一個起)
HKD $150 each for 1 pound (Minimum 1 cake per order)


鮮士多啤梨芝士凍餅 Fresh Strawberry Cheesecake

餅底上是一層忌廉芝士做的餡和鮮士多啤梨粒, 上層是士多啤梨慕絲
On top of the base is a layer of filling made with cream cheese and fresh strawberry cubes, topped with strawberry mousse

每個(兩磅)港幣 $200 (每次訂購一個起)

HKD $200 each for 2 pounds (Minimum 1 cake per order)